This site is for information purposes only and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. Please make sure that you are a responsible gambler.

I started this review of The Daily Mirror's Value Scope racing tipster on 01 December 2007 as a record of the results of an average person in the street.

Due to the consistent results Valuescope has been achieving , by the time your paper gets delivered the suggested price is likely to have dropped. So I will post Valuescopes tips each Saturday morning as early as possible (think of me when it's freezing cold and snowing trudging down to the newsagents)

I will also post the results, the prices I was actually able to get, and my profit / loss on a weekly and cumulative basis.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What Is The Value Scope Daily Mirror Tipster Column

Value Scope is a horse racing tipping article in the Saturday edition of the Daily Mirror.

Each week he picks a couple of horses based on "Value" and suggests the bet for each .

The tip will normally be 2 high priced horses in the same race and the suggested bet is normally each way. The stake amount will be given in points and will vary according to the "Value Scope" of each horse.

The column has been running since January 2005 and the published returns for each year are:
2005 215 points
2006 215 points
2007 312 points (up to end of November)

On first glance this looks dramatic, however the average suggested bet is 2 points each way on 2 horses. In other words 8 points per race. So over the three years you would have averaged 5 points profit per week for an 8 point bet.

Now spending 8 to win 5 doesn't sound that great, but if you look over the 3 years your 8 has grown to 742 !!!!

Due to the very nature of the Value Scope horse racing system you should expect that in most weeks that you will only break even, or make a small profit or loss, but when the winners happen they are at very high odds.

As this is a long term system you should ensure that you persevere through the less profitable periods and also ensure that you keep a "bank" . I would suggest that your bank should be in the region of 20 points.

The Daily Mirror Value Scope column has got an amazing track record and statistically there is every reason that it will continue to produce similar returns.

However, as you are never going to be able to get the best price each week, this blog will be an interesting experiment to see what the realistic returns for the average guy in the street turn out to be.

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